National Network:

Artistic Workshops for Theatrical Interactive Stage Creativity (ARTIST) in MAHALATA is an informal network for working with children from ethnic minorities and aims to spread to all small and large settlements in Bulgaria. The ultimate mission and goal of the network is to create sustainability of project activities involving creatively engaged children and youth from ethnic minorities from all over Bulgaria. The idea of the network belongs to Dr. Iva Paneva, who since 2012 works with ethnic minority children and adolescents.

2023 : “Artist in the neighborhood” – Culture Fund Varna – Association “Our World” (

During the project, a premiere performance “ECO Dreams” was created with a target audience of students from 1-4th grade, who had the opportunity to learn, through a theatrical experience, easily applicable ways to protect the environment and cleanliness in the neighborhoods and the city. Children are included in children’s performance for greater integration of audiences.

Many of the participants in the project activities had the opportunity to watch a creative, educational and socially engaging product for the first time.

2019: “Artist in the Neighborhood” – Association “Our World” (

The project, led by Iva Paneva – director and psychologist, includes creative, educational and therapeutic theater workshops, in which students from ethnic minorities from Stolipinovo and Sheker Mahala in Plovdiv, as well as teachers, participate in theater activities with a focus on improving social and communicative skills their skills.

The children make their own dolls and, together with professional actors and a director, take part in a general performance (on June 6 and 26, in schools and in the Center for Working with Street Children at the Complex for Social Services for Children and Families Plovdiv).

In the Audio-Visual Workshop (June 24-28, 2019), children aged 10 to 14 create creative installations on the theme “Identity and Self-Awareness – Respect for the Other”. Through workshops led by specialists, young artists present their works to citizens and have the opportunity to express themselves, attracting new audiences to the contemporary art of which they are the authors.

The project is implemented by the Our World Association in partnership with Center for working with street children at the Complex for Social Services for Children and Families – Plovdiv.

Reviews from our partners about the premiere of “Little Me is Me”:

KSUDS – PLOVDIV – “Little I am Me” – emotional and exciting finale of the project “Artist in the Mahalata” (


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