Developed banking exam topics

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Developed banking exam topics for seniors and students

didactic aid for matriculation

Didactic aid “Developed exam topics in banking” helps in the preparation of high school graduates who will take the state exam for acquiring a professional qualification – part on the theory of the profession for the profession of financier, major in banking. The developed 18 topics correspond to the outline for holding the second matriculation examination of the students majoring in banking. The authors of the developments have experience in teaching pupils and students. Each topic contains illustrated theoretical and practical content, and the important knowledge required is colored.

Topics contain sections such as: “Did you know”, “I want to learn more”, “Glossary of basic concepts to remember”. Necessary and useful for readers will be the “Questions for self-preparation”, which provide an opportunity to upgrade knowledge, direct the graduate or the reader to additional literature indicated by the authors. We hope that the didactic aid will help high school students to successfully pass the theory exam.

Students who use the developed topics could supplement their coursework with them, as well as prepare for banking exams at economic universities.

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