2023/2024: The cultural world reaches out to all

The project “The cultural world reaches everyone” represents an interdisciplinary approach to inform the general public about the culture and art of ethnic minorities with a focus on Roma from North-Eastern Bulgaria and has a target group of over 120 young people, direct beneficiaries from the village of Sindel in Varna Region. During the duration of the project of 12 months (2023/2024).

The project is implemented under the operational program: Cultural entrepreneurship, heritage and cooperation under the procedure “ENHANCED AWARENESS OF ARTS AND CULTURE OF ETHNIC AND CULTURAL MINORITIES”. The program is implemented with financial support from the donor countries – Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein under the Financial Mechanism of the EEA with the program operator the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria.

Project Activities

The project activities, lasting 12 months, are carried out by the joint partnership between “Our World” Association and “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Sindel village, Avren Municipality.

They include teachers and artists, professionals in various genres of art. Creative workshops for theatrical mastery, oratorical art and poetry, music and stage dancing, design and scenography are being created; photography and applied arts, where the target group learned to create cultural products that were included in the My World is Yours Traveling Festival. The performance show “I am – I can” created by the professional artists and the target group uses the means of expression of various arts for which the target group prepares within the creative workshops. All the works of the children and artists were arranged at the Audio-visual exhibition “My world is yours” in the regional city of Varna. Young people are trained in media culture, informing themselves about their identity and cultural values. The project also included the organization of a conference on “Identity and Publics: the cultural world reaches everyone” as an activity for scientific analysis of the achievement of project goals. The delivered reports were formed into a refereed collection of scientific articles as a cultural product of the project. The project not only beautified the small village by renovating benches, gazebos and public buildings, but revived the cultural life in these small settlements, put the ethnos in the focus of the searches of the cultural and scientific circles for a new alternative audience. This film shows a positive approach for the future development and support of young people from ethnic minority groups. Art can have an inspiring role and an impetus for change and development of youth.

  1. “Моят свят е и твой” е филм за едно вдъхновяващо творческо преживяване на деца и младежи от с. Синдел по време на проект „Kултурният свят достига до всички“.  Филмът е образователен и показва един положителен опит за промяна на общността и развитие на деца и младежи чрез изкуство.

2.  Medias about us:

Д-р Ива Панева: Театърът за деца има възпитателен ефект (varna24.bg)

3. Conference papers publication

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